Raptor Consortium

Real-Time Adaptive Particle Therapy Of Cancer

The Challenge

RAPTOR (Real-Time Adaptive Particle Therapy Of Cancer ) is a project that brings together 13 Beneficiaries and 15 partner organizations all around the world with one aim in common: To bring adaptive particle therapy to the clinic.

Based on the European Union funding by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, these organisations gathered powers to advance medical knowledge in this medical field. In order to connect all different parts of these organisations together in one place and also provide information to the world from one place, we helped them create a website.

Our main challenges:

  • Develop a visual identity for the project
  • Create graphic elements that will be used in the development process
  • Develop a visually appealing website with a great user experience
  • Make backend as easy to use & maintain for the client

Clear. Modern. Open.

Various design explorations led us to the current colour palete and medical graphic elements. On the website, we’ve presented all of the organisations that are included in the project, as well as specific research projects & researchers. We’ve developed a dynamic listings for Events, as well as for News & Articles with a very easy to use backend that content managers can use on their own.

Ready to start a project? Click here

… or send us a message at [email protected]